So, in yesterday’s post, Why They Should Have Cat Boxing at Camp or What Happens When You Have to Send Letters about your Boring Summer, I had a stroke of brilliance. Unfortunately, I was not the first — and so, I cannot take credit for inventing “Cat Boxing.” Of course, I’d like to because let’s face it, it’s pretty ingenious. I guess exceptionally gifted *genii like myself should expect set backs in a world where most of the thoughts have already been thunk. Therefore, I’ve added some addendum’s to yesterday’s post to ensure that I don’t get sued by rabid cat lawyers.
BTW, I’m not saying that the cats are rabid or that the lawyers are cats — that would be ridiculous and I’m nothing if not logical. I’m saying the lawyers are rabid and that they were hired by cats.
Better, right?
*genii, being plural for genius, as any self respecting wordsmith, ahem, terminologist, would know.
Addendum 1: After writing this post I found this from Thomas Edison’s film company in 1894.
Professor Welton’s boxing cats were the most popular of his attractions playing New York vaudeville houses and roof gardens during the summer of 1894. Sure, it shows I wasn’t the first to think of it, but I think it also proves how brilliant my idea truly is. You did read that it was the MOST popular attraction, right?
Addendum 2: After writing addendum 1 I found this… An entire site dedicated to the boxing of cats.
Addendum 3: After writing addendum 2, I felt pretty confident that my idea of cats boxing humans was still safe and took comfort in the fact that there would clearly be multiple places to send Coco for more traditional cat boxing lessons. Phew.
But then I found this:![cat boxing human]()
Though, I’m pretty sure they’re not fighting over the bed. Also, either that cat is abnormally large or that child is super small … not sure which yet, but something seems off…
Addendum 4: This isn’t really an addendum, but how freakin’ cute are cat gloves?
The post I Was Not the First Person to Think of Cat Boxing and Other Crappy Ideas appeared first on The Suburban Jungle .